Start Date/time : 8:30pm, Saturday 19th Jan 2019
End Date/time : 12:30pm, Sunday 20th Jan 2019
Duration : 16 hours
Venue : Taman Seri Empangan, Presint 5 Putrajaya
*Loyalty (RM)
Normal (RM)
**Late (RM)
16 Nov 2018 –
23 Dec 2018
24 Dec 2018 –
19 Jan 2019
Men Open/Veteran
Women Open/Veteran
A – Entry Only
B – Entry + Event Tshirt
C – Entry + Finisher pack
(Medal+Fintee) |
D – Full package
(Entry+Event Tshirt + Finisher Pack) |
*Loyalty period is 1 day exclusive offer for 2018 participants. Enter your NRIC/Passport No as promo code during the registration. Only 100 slots are available for grab.
**Late period registration is entitled for the race slot and manual race bib only. No tshirt, medal and personal insurance.
Race format
- Running a loop from Taman Seri Empangan to Presint 18 (2.5KM) and
turn back to Taman Seri Empangan (5KM per loop)- Runner with the highest no of loops win the race. For tie breaker, gun time will be used to determine the position.
- Complete a minimum distance of 50km (10 loops) within 16 hours to claim your finisher items (for those opt for finisher package)
- No pacer (non-registered runner) is allowed except the final 2 hours which is from 10:30am to 12:30pm.
- Cutoff time is 16 hours which is on Sunday, 20 January 2019, 12.30PM.
We believe in your integrity and we will not tolerate for any misconduct or cheaters.
Course Map
- New route for this 6th edition in order for us to reduce
the safety risk when there were a few junctions to cross during your run in the
past editions.
- Start from Taman Seri Empangan, runners will need walk-up/down the
Jambatan Gemilang to cross into the ‘island’ heading to the u-turn point near
Shell Presint
Race Entry Pack Collection - To be announced later
Bib transferWe allowed request of bib transfer until 23 Dec 2018 only, with an admin fee of RM120. No more change of name, tshirt size, etc will be entertained after the date.
Disqualified (DQ)- Cheating (using other people bib, take shortcut, take vehicle)
- Create any harm to other participant or organizer or come with disturbing or unsporting behavior
Stop procedureOnce you’ve completed the race or even decided to stop halfway, kindly inform the organizer so that we can properly record your race status.
Race timing
- We are using electronic system to record your lap timing as well as the overall timing.
- Please place your race bib at the front of your body and visible. Not at the back or under your shirt.
- You must complete the last lap before 12:30pm in order to be counted as your distance.
Event ScheduleSunday, 13 Jan 2019
11:00am – 7:00pm : Race Pack Collection @ TBA
Saturday, 19 Jan 2019
4:00pm : Race Site open 5:00pm - 7:00pm : Race Pack Collection @ Taman Seri Empangan (For
outstation runners only)
8:15pm : Final briefing
8:20pm : National Anthem
8:25pm : Group photo
8:30pm : Flag off
Sunday, 20 Jan 2019
12:30pm : Race cutoff time (16 hours)
1:00pm : Prize giving ceremony
Finisher tshirt

Special token (Only for the first 100 participants)
Winners Prize
Trophy for top 10 winners for each category.
Voucher or product for top 5 winners, value depends on sponsorship.
No cash prize.
Food & Drink
- Free flow drinking water.
- Free flow isotonic drink.
- Coke/Mountain Dew (available after 12:00am)
- Fruits (Watermelon/Oranges).
- Sandwich (Peanut Butter & Jelly).
- Sweet and salty snack.
- Supper (available after 12:00am) *Rice porridge with soup
- Breakfast (available after 7:00am). *Nasi Lemak and banana pancake
*U-turn point at Precint 18 will be served drinking water only
- There will be onsite medical personnel to assist for minor injuries, any emergency case will be referred to the nearest clinic/hospital.
- Organizer will provide a basic first aid kit at the Start/Finish point.
- Participants are responsible to ensure they are fit and healthy before start the race. Please consult your doctor if there is any doubt.
Bib transferWe allowed request of bib transfer until 23 Dec 2018 only, with an admin fee of RM120. No more change of name, tshirt size, etc will be entertained after the date.
Disqualified (DQ)- Cheating (using other people bib, take shortcut, take vehicle)
- Create any harm to other participant or organizer or come with disturbing or unsporting behavior
Stop procedureOnce you’ve completed the race or even decided to stop halfway, kindly inform the organizer so that we can properly record your race status.
Race timing
- We are using electronic system to record your lap timing as well as the overall timing.
- Please place your race bib at the front of your body and visible. Not at the back or under your shirt.
- You must complete the last lap before 12:30pm in order to be counted as your distance.
Event ScheduleSunday, 13 Jan 2019
11:00am – 7:00pm : Race Pack Collection @ TBA
Saturday, 19 Jan 2019
4:00pm : Race Site open
8:15pm : Final briefing
8:20pm : National Anthem
8:25pm : Group photo
8:30pm : Flag off
Sunday, 20 Jan 2019
12:30pm : Race cutoff time (16 hours)
1:00pm : Prize giving ceremony
Event tshirt
Finisher tshirt

Finisher medal
Drawstring bag (for all participants)
Winners Prize
Trophy for top 10 winners for each category.
Voucher or product for top 5 winners, value depends on sponsorship.
No cash prize.
Food & Drink
- Free flow drinking water.
- Free flow isotonic drink.
- Coke/Mountain Dew (available after 12:00am)
- Fruits (Watermelon/Oranges).
- Sandwich (Peanut Butter & Jelly).
- Sweet and salty snack.
- Supper (available after 12:00am) *Rice porridge with soup
- Breakfast (available after 7:00am). *Nasi Lemak and banana pancake
*U-turn point at Precint 18 will be served drinking water only
- There will be onsite medical personnel to assist for minor injuries, any emergency case will be referred to the nearest clinic/hospital.
- Organizer will provide a basic first aid kit at the Start/Finish point.
- Participants are responsible to ensure they are fit and healthy before start the race. Please consult your doctor if there is any doubt.
Insurance - Participants are to accept the risk associated with the race as per
indemnity form.
- The organizer will not responsible for any claim resulted from this race.
- It is recommended that you have personal accident insurance or health insurance.
- add-on personal accident insurance is available during event registration
- Food/energy bar/gel.
- Hand phone (for emergency).
- Blinker or reflective gear.
- ID Card (for emergency)
As part of our green initiatives, we encourage all participants to "bring your own bottle/cup" which reduces the number of paper cups used on the course. No paper cup will be provided at the water station. Bring 2 set (1st at start and 2nd at u-turn point) of your own cup/bottle and mark it with your name/bib number and deposit to us during the race kit collection.
We will be serving a rice porridge for supper, we encourage all participants to bring your own bowl/spoon as well to minimize the usage of disposable ware.
Safety -There is no road closure during this race.
- Please avoid running on the road if possible.
- Pavement or pedestrian walk or any path along the side of the road should be used when available.
- Use caution and common sense when crossing the road or junction.
There are limited parking slots at Taman Seri Empangan. In case it is full, do not park your vehicle on the road or the roadside that leads to the race site. We will not responsible for any issue with authority. Kindly proceed to the open carpark area as highlighted in red circle. We will have RELA personnel to assist you.
Camping site
Visit http://www.jomrun.com/watergate-16-hours-2019 to register
- The organizer will not responsible for any claim resulted from this race.
- It is recommended that you have personal accident insurance or health insurance.
- add-on personal accident insurance is available during event registration
Recommended Item
- Hydration bag/handheld bottle.- Food/energy bar/gel.
- Hand phone (for emergency).
- Blinker or reflective gear.
- ID Card (for emergency)
As part of our green initiatives, we encourage all participants to "bring your own bottle/cup" which reduces the number of paper cups used on the course. No paper cup will be provided at the water station. Bring 2 set (1st at start and 2nd at u-turn point) of your own cup/bottle and mark it with your name/bib number and deposit to us during the race kit collection.
We will be serving a rice porridge for supper, we encourage all participants to bring your own bowl/spoon as well to minimize the usage of disposable ware.
- Please avoid running on the road if possible.
- Pavement or pedestrian walk or any path along the side of the road should be used when available.
- Use caution and common sense when crossing the road or junction.
There are limited parking slots at Taman Seri Empangan. In case it is full, do not park your vehicle on the road or the roadside that leads to the race site. We will not responsible for any issue with authority. Kindly proceed to the open carpark area as highlighted in red circle. We will have RELA personnel to assist you.
Camping site
We encourage all participants to bring their family and friends
together and we have prepared a designated area to put up a tent/personal pit
stop. Please clean the area before you leave.
Visit http://www.jomrun.com/watergate-16-hours-2019 to register